There’s nothing wrong with you. There’s nothing wrong with the world. There’s nothing wrong with other people. Everything is exactly as it should be. #TheCubanGuy
There’s nothing wrong with you. There’s nothing wrong with the world. There’s nothing wrong with other people. Everything is exactly as it should be. #TheCubanGuy
Tu eres perfecto. El mundo is perfecto. Las gente son perfecta. Todo es exactamente como debería ser. #TheCubanGuy
The universe won’t shift to suit your preferences. However, you can shift your preferences to accommodate the universe. The shift you want must begin with you. Resisting the universe is never the best way to go. #TheCubanGuy
El universo no cambiará para adaptarse a tus preferencias. Sin embargo, puedes cambiar tus preferencias para adaptarlas al universo. El cambio que deseas debe comenzar contigo. Resistir la realidad no es el mejor camino. #TheCubanGuy
This is not the time to give up. You are close to the finish line. Believe it or not, the worst is behind you. Remember what it is all for. #TheCubanGuy
Este no es el momento de darse por vencido. Estás demasiado cerca de la meta. Lo creas o no, lo peor ya pasó. Recuerda por qué lo estas haciendo. #TheCubanGuy
You can get there. Anyone can. However, there is a price. Are you willing to pay that price? If so, start by embracing faith and patience. #TheCubanGuy
Puedes llegar allí. Cualquiera puede. Pero requiere que pagues un precio. ¿Estás dispuesto a pagar ese precio? Si es así, empieza por adoptar fe y paciencia. #TheCubanGuy
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Annoying things happen all the time. And so do fascinating things. In fact, they both tend to happen simultaneously. If you are annoyed, perhaps you are paying attention to the wrong thing. #TheCubanGuy
Siempre suceden cosas molestosas. Pero también suceden cosas fascinantes. De hecho, ambas ocurren simultáneamente. Si estás molesto, estás prestando atención a lo que deberias ignorar. #TheCubanGuy