Pay attention.
Annoying things happen all the time. And so do fascinating things. In fact, they both tend to happen simultaneously. If you are annoyed, perhaps you are paying attention to the wrong thing. #TheCubanGuy
Annoying things happen all the time. And so do fascinating things. In fact, they both tend to happen simultaneously. If you are annoyed, perhaps you are paying attention to the wrong thing. #TheCubanGuy
Siempre suceden cosas molestosas. Pero también suceden cosas fascinantes. De hecho, ambas ocurren simultáneamente. Si estás molesto, estás prestando atención a lo que deberias ignorar. #TheCubanGuy
You need more people in your corner. Don’t alienate potential allies. Be forgiving when others mess up. Be generous with praise when they get it right. #TheCubanGuy
Necesitas más gente en tu esquina. No alejes a los que pueden ser tus aliados. Ten paciencia cuando otros fallen. Se generoso con tus elogios cuando hagan algo bien. #TheCubanGuy
You can be a hero. You can move and inspire others. You can be kind and supportive. Or you can be a jerk. #TheCubanGuy
Tienes la oportunidad de ser un héroe. Puedes conmover e inspirar a otros. Puedes ser amable y solidario. O puedes ser un necio. #TheCubanGuy
Does it bother you? Do you want it handled? Do you want it to go away? Then, do something about it. #TheCubanGuy
¿Te molesta? ¿Quieres que sea resuelto? ¿Quieres que desaparezca? Entonces haz algo al respecto. #TheCubanGuy
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Are your intentions good? Do you mean well? Then, let go of your attachment. Good intentions, when forced on others, prompt the same resistance as bad intentions. #TheCubanGuy
I was wrong. My pride blinded me. I should’ve listened. Accepting responsibility can take you much farther than pointing fingers. #TheCubanGuy