Notice the good in others. Notice the beautiful. Notice everything that’s right. Life is a manifestation of what you choose as the focus of your attention. #TheCubanGuy
Notice the good in others. Notice the beautiful. Notice everything that’s right. Life is a manifestation of what you choose as the focus of your attention. #TheCubanGuy
Nota lo bueno en los demás. Fíjate en lo hermoso. Nota todo lo que está bien. La vida es una manifestación de aquello a lo que prestas tu atención. #TheCubanGuy
Are you going to answer? Don’t take too long to make up your mind. The universe won’t keep waiting for you. It will eventually move on to find someone else that answers its call. #TheCubanGuy
¿Vas a responder? No tardes demasiado en decidirte. El universo no seguirá esperándote. Eventualmente el encontrará otra persona que responda su llamada. #TheCubanGuy
Today is going to be a good day. Something great is going to happen. It’s going to be a day full of wonders. Good things are more likely to happen when you expect them. #TheCubanGuy
Hoy va a ser un buen día. Algo grandioso va a suceder. Va a ser un día lleno de maravillas. Es más probable que las cosas buenas sucedan cuando las esperas. #TheCubanGuy
Tus experiencias te han hecho más sabio. No olvides lo que has aprendido. Intenta tu meta otra vez. Esta vez permite que la sabiduría te guíe, no tus impulsos. #TheCubanGuy
Run your own race. Don’t let others set your pace. There’s no need to keep up with them. You’re running different races. #TheCubanGuy
Victorious. Let others have a victory. It will boost morale. If you win every time, others will stop playing. True winners don’t need another victory to feel victorious. #TheCubanGuy
It’s not all about you. There are other people out there. Focus on them. Serving others serves you. #TheCubanGuy