Don’t worry about what you left undone. The finish line is not the only yardstick for success. Was progress made? If so, leave it at that. #TheCubanGuy
Don’t worry about what you left undone. The finish line is not the only yardstick for success. Was progress made? If so, leave it at that. #TheCubanGuy
They won’t happen every day. For the most part, your journey will be dotted with small victories. They may be so tiny that you take them for granted. Don’t be fooled. Progress, no matter how little, is the foundation for big wins. #TheCubanGuy
No sucederán todos los días. La mayoría de las veces, tu trayecto estará lleno de pequeños logros. Puede que ellos sean tan pequeños que tú ni los valores. El progreso, no importa qué tan pequeño sea, es un avance. #TheCubanGuy
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Even with small talk, make the subject about something big. Talk about an exciting goal or a dream. Talk about the possibility of something great. Whatever you do, avoid verbalizing doubts. #TheCubanGuy
Si necesitas hablar, habla de algo importante. Habla sobre una meta o un sueño emocionante. Habla sobre la posibilidad de algo grandioso. No verbalices pensamientos de duda, aunque sea de broma. #TheCubanGuy
There’s a limitless force within you. Encourage it to come out and work on your behalf. It exists to support you and help you realize your dreams. Set a worthwhile purpose and it will show itself. #TheCubanGuy
Hay una fuerza ilimitada dentro de ti. Ella quiere salir y trabajar para ti. Ella quiere apoyarte y ayudarte a realizar tus sueños. Dale un propósito que valga la pena y ella vendrá a asistirte. #TheCubanGuy
Slow down if you have to. Rest if you must. Get help when you feel it’s necessary. Stay in the game, even if you need to modify it. There’s no need for you to quit. #TheCubanGuy
Reduce la velocidad o descansa si es necesario. Busca ayuda si la necesitas. Permanece en el juego, aunque lo tengas que modificar. No es necesario darse por vencido. #TheCubanGuy
The future you needs your help. That individual is trying to do something big. Success will require your support. Maximum effort from the present you will enable the accomplishments of the future you. #TheCubanGuy