Don’t go there.
The place that gets you in a bad mood. The thought that leads to guilt, anger, or resentment. The conversation that goes nowhere. The people that make you feel powerless. #TheCubanGuy
The place that gets you in a bad mood. The thought that leads to guilt, anger, or resentment. The conversation that goes nowhere. The people that make you feel powerless. #TheCubanGuy
El lugar que te pone de mal humor. El pensamiento que conduce a la culpa, la ira o el resentimiento. La conversación que no va a ninguna parte. Las personas que te hacen sentir impotente. #TheCubanGuy
There’s no need to rush. Take your time. Enjoy the little moments as much as possible. Without them, the destination becomes meaningless. #TheCubanGuy
No hay necesidad de apresurarse. Tomate tu tiempo. Disfruta al máximo de los pequeños momentos. Sin ellos, el destino pierde su valor. #TheCubanGuy
Don’t fight it. What you feel is perfectly fine. Embrace the experience. It won’t last forever. #TheCubanGuy
No luches contra las emociones. Lo que sientes es normal. Recibe la experiencia. No la evites. Ella no durará para siempre. #TheCubanGuy
Don’t act out of desperation. You may take unnecessary steps. Not every problem needs a solution. Sometimes it’s okay for things to stay the way they are. #TheCubanGuy
No actúes por desesperación. Es posible que estés tomando medidas innecesarias. No todos los problemas necesitan una solución. A veces está bien que las cosas sean exactamente como son. #TheCubanGuy
Honor your word. If you say you’re going to do something, do it. Make no exceptions. Excuses weaken the power of your word. #TheCubanGuy
Honra tu palabra. Si dices que vas a hacer algo, hazlo. No hagas excepciones. Las excusas debilitan el poder de tu palabra. #TheCubanGuy