Fleeting feelings.
It’s normal to feel the urge to quit. There’s nothing wrong with that feeling. No need to fight it or resist it. Walk with it. Eventually it will go away. #TheCubanGuy
Fleeting feelings. Read More »
It’s normal to feel the urge to quit. There’s nothing wrong with that feeling. No need to fight it or resist it. Walk with it. Eventually it will go away. #TheCubanGuy
Fleeting feelings. Read More »
Es normal querer rendirse. No hay nada de malo con ese sentimiento. No luches en contra de el ni lo resistas. Desaparecerá por sí solo. #TheCubanGuy
Sentimientos fugaces. Read More »
Focus on the person you want to be. Don’t dwell on the person you dislike. You will grow into the person you focus on. Make sure that person is someone you admire and respect. #TheCubanGuy
Who do you admire? Read More »
Enfócate en la persona que quieres ser. No pienses en la persona que no te gusta. Te volverás como la persona en la que te enfocas. Asegúrate de que esa persona sea alguien a quien admiras y respetas. #TheCubanGuy
You need to face your demons. Ideally, the sooner, the better. Don’t keep putting it off. Say what needs to be said. Do what needs to be done. #TheCubanGuy
Tienes que enfrentarte a tus demonios. Lo ideal es cuanto antes mejor. No lo sigas postergando. Di lo que hay que decir. Haz lo que hay que hacer. #TheCubanGuy
The mindset of a loser is built one excuse at a time. The mindset of a winner is created by eliminating every excuse. Imagine a life where anything is possible. Imagine a life without excuses. #TheCubanGuy
Un perdedor es creado una excusa después de la otra. Un ganador se crea eliminando las excusas. Imaginate una vida en la que todo es posible. Imaginate una vida donde no existen las excusas. #TheCubanGuy
What’s the goal? Is the goal still relevant? Has anything changed since the journey began? Have I changed? #TheCubanGuy
¿Cuál es el objetivo? ¿Sigue siendo relevante mi meta? ¿Ha cambiado algo desde que comenzé la trayectoria? ¿He cambiado yo? #TheCubanGuy
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