Be proud of yourself. You have covered the distance. And you are just getting started. Keep up the momentum. Don’t stop. #TheCubanGuy
Be proud of yourself. You have covered the distance. And you are just getting started. Keep up the momentum. Don’t stop. #TheCubanGuy
Deberias estar orgulloso de ti mismo. Has llegado lejos. Esto es sólo el comienzo. Mantén el impulso. No te detengas. #TheCubanGuy
You’ll be fine. Take the first step. Things will start to make sense soon. You’ve got this. #TheCubanGuy
Todo va a estar bien. Da el primer paso. Las cosas empezarán a tener sentido. Ten fé. #TheCubanGuy
Sometimes, you get it wrong. It’s not the end of the world. It means you haven’t given up. It means you’re still trying. #TheCubanGuy
Si te equivocas, no te preocupes. No es el fin del mundo. Equivocaciones significa que no te has rendido. Significa que lo estás intentando. #TheCubanGuy
The end of one thing is the beginning of another. It’s the normal progression of life. Accept it. For the next chapter of your life to start, the current one needs to end. #TheCubanGuy
El final de algo es el principio de otra cosa. Es la progresión de la vida. No la resistas. Para que comience el próximo capítulo de tu vida, el capítulo actual debe terminar. #TheCubanGuy
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You are making too much of it. Things are not as dire as you think. Let the dust settle. In the meantime, redirect your focus to a new goal. #TheCubanGuy
Te estás ahogando en un vaso the agua. Las cosas no son tan grave como crees. Deja que el polvo se asiente. Mientras tanto, redirige tu enfoque a una nueva meta. #TheCubanGuy