Gravitational pull.
It will drag you back to what’s comfortable. It will strain your resolve. It will try to make you conform. You can overcome its grip through self belief. #TheCubanGuy
Gravitational pull. Read More »
It will drag you back to what’s comfortable. It will strain your resolve. It will try to make you conform. You can overcome its grip through self belief. #TheCubanGuy
Gravitational pull. Read More »
Did you get caught up in the minutiae? Don’t lose sight of where you are headed. Get back on track. What’s the goal? #TheCubanGuy
¿Te quedaste atrapado en las minucias? No pierdas de vista el objetivo. Concéntrate en lo que importa. ¿Cuál es la meta? #TheCubanGuy
Great news doesn’t just happen. It is a result of something you do. Have you done something lately to create great news? If not, what are you waiting for? #TheCubanGuy
Las grandes noticias no suceden por casualidad. Ellas son el resultado de algo que hiciste. ¿Has hecho algo últimamente para crear buenas noticias? Si no, Qué estás esperando. #TheCubanGuy
You don’t like this. You don’t like that. Lots of things are not to your liking. Got it. But what do you like? Can we talk about that instead? #TheCubanGuy
No te gusta esto. No te gusta lo otro. Muchas cosas no son de tu agrado. Entendido. Pero hay algo que te debe gustar. ¿Puedes hablar de eso en su lugar? #TheCubanGuy
Don’t walk away. Stick with it. Hold on a little longer. Sometimes that’s all it takes. #TheCubanGuy
No te des por vencido. Persevera. Aguanta un poco más. A veces eso es todo lo que se necesita. #TheCubanGuy
Did you reach your goal? If not, you haven’t finished yet. Keep going. Don’t stop until you get it done. #TheCubanGuy