Really close.
Don’t call it just yet. Stick with it a little longer. Give it one more push. You are closer to the goal than you think. #TheCubanGuy
Don’t call it just yet. Stick with it a little longer. Give it one more push. You are closer to the goal than you think. #TheCubanGuy
No te des por vencido. Sigue adelante. Da otro paso. Estás más cerca de la meta de lo que crees. #TheCubanGuy
Keep your vibe bright. Think of the best. Speak only of the best. Expect nothing but the best. #TheCubanGuy
Mantén tu vibra correcta. Piensa en lo mejor. Habla sólo de lo mejor. No esperes nada más que lo mejor. #TheCubanGuy
You will get there. Push yourself. Be patient. Keep an open mind. Results will come. #TheCubanGuy
Llegarás a la cumbre. Empujate. Se paciente. Manten una mente abierta. Los resultados llegarán. #TheCubanGuy
Contributions occur where they are most celebrated. Don’t let them go unnoticed. Always give a shoutout. Make a big deal about them. #TheCubanGuy
La contribución suele ir donde más se celebra. No la dejes que pase desapercibida. Hasla saber que la has notado. Menciónala cuando lo veas. #TheCubanGuy
Maybe they’re doing the best they can. Maybe they can’t do any better. Give others the benefit of the doubt. It may inspire them to do the same for you. #TheCubanGuy