Right thing.
Don’t lose sight of the bigger picture. Yes, winning matters. But that alone is not what’s truly important. What’s truly important is to do the right thing. #TheCubanGuy
Don’t lose sight of the bigger picture. Yes, winning matters. But that alone is not what’s truly important. What’s truly important is to do the right thing. #TheCubanGuy
No pierdas de vista el objetivo. Sí, ganar importa. Pero eso no es lo más importante. Lo importante es que sigas haciendo lo correcto. #TheCubanGuy
Go with the flow of life. There’s no need to fight it. Accept it. Embrace it. Believe it or not, everything is exactly the way it is supposed to be. #TheCubanGuy
Deja de resistir el flujo de la vida. No hay necesidad de seguir luchando contra el. Ve con el. Lo creas o no, todo va exactamente como debe ir. #TheCubanGuy
It’s not always easy to understand. But you should try. Put yourself in their shoes. You are more like them than you think. #TheCubanGuy
No es fácil de entender. Pero deberías intentarlo. Ponte en sus zapatos. Eres más como ellos de lo que crees. #TheCubanGuy
It starts with a dream. Eventually, it transforms through discipline, self control, and perseverance. It evolves into purpose. As you grow, you realize it was about more than the dream. #TheCubanGuy
Todo comienza con un sueño. Con el tiempo, se convierte acerca de la disciplina, autocontrol y perseverancia. Evoluciona hacia un propósito. A medida que creces, te das cuenta de que nunca se trató del sueño. #TheCubanGuy
You are allowed to get upset. You can even throw a little tantrum. Just don’t get carried away. It can’t be an everyday thing. #TheCubanGuy
Puedes enojarte. Incluso puedes hacer un pequeño berrinche. Pero no te pases. Todo tiene su limite. #TheCubanGuy