What remains?
Focus on the successes, not the failures. Focus on what’s exciting, not on what you fear. Focus on the experiences that have made you smile. Focus on what remains, not on what is missing. #TheCubanGuy
Focus on the successes, not the failures. Focus on what’s exciting, not on what you fear. Focus on the experiences that have made you smile. Focus on what remains, not on what is missing. #TheCubanGuy
Concéntrate en los éxitos, no en los fracasos. Concéntrate en lo emocionante, no en lo que le temes. Concéntrate en las experiencias que te han hecho sonreír. Concéntrate en lo que queda, no en lo que falta. #TheCubanGuy
There’s always a next time. Don’t beat yourself up. Yes, you could’ve done better. You could also have done worse. #TheCubanGuy
Siempre hay una próxima vez. No te castigues. Sí, podrías haberlo hecho mejor. También podrías haberlo hecho peor. #TheCubanGuy
Te vas a volver loco. Deja de jusgarte. Ten piedad contigo mismo. Aunque no lo creas, estás haciendo mejor de lo que crees. #TheCubanGuy
Don’t drive yourself crazy. Cut yourself some slack. Stop worrying that you’ve got it wrong. You are doing better than you think. #TheCubanGuy
No te dejes envolver con cosas insignificantes. Gran parte de ellas no importarán en unos pocos años. Solo una pequeña parte de ellas seguirán importando en una década. Mira más allá de hoy. Concéntrate en lo que es realmente importante. #TheCubanGuy
Don’t get bogged down in minutiae. Much of it won’t matter a year from now. Even less of it will still matter in a decade. Focus on the bigger picture. Look beyond today. #TheCubanGuy
Every challenge brings opportunity. Don’t get caught up in the negative. Seek the positives in every situation. Look for the silver lining. #TheCubanGuy
Failure’s bitter taste can prove useful. Don’t rush to wash its aftertaste away. Let its bitterness linger. It’s a great way for you to absorb the lesson. #TheCubanGuy