Out of your hands.
Don’t worry about the competition. The competition should be worried about you. Just do your best. The rest is out of your hands. #TheCubanGuy
Out of your hands. Read More »
Don’t worry about the competition. The competition should be worried about you. Just do your best. The rest is out of your hands. #TheCubanGuy
Out of your hands. Read More »
No te preocupes por la competencia. La competencia debería preocuparse por ti. Solo haz lo mejor que puedas. El resto está fuera de tus manos. #TheCubanGuy
Fuera de tus manos. Read More »
Stop thinking of what’s to come. You are creating unnecessary anxiety. You are better off dealing with the now. If you handle the present well, you need not to worry about the future. #TheCubanGuy
You can wait till you’re ready. You can wait till you feel strong. You can wait till things settle down. While you wait, know that others are making do with a lot less. #TheCubanGuy
Puedes esperar hasta que estés listo. Puedes esperar hasta que te sientas fuerte. Puedes esperar hasta que las cosas se calmen. Mientras espera, otros lo están logrando con mucho menos. #TheCubanGuy
The place that gets you in a bad mood. The thought that leads to guilt, anger, or resentment. The conversation that goes nowhere. The people that make you feel powerless. #TheCubanGuy
El lugar que te pone de mal humor. El pensamiento que conduce a la culpa, la ira o el resentimiento. La conversación que no va a ninguna parte. Las personas que te hacen sentir impotente. #TheCubanGuy
There’s no need to rush. Take your time. Enjoy the little moments as much as possible. Without them, the destination becomes meaningless. #TheCubanGuy
No hay necesidad de apresurarse. Tomate tu tiempo. Disfruta al máximo de los pequeños momentos. Sin ellos, el destino pierde su valor. #TheCubanGuy
Don’t fight it. What you feel is perfectly fine. Embrace the experience. It won’t last forever. #TheCubanGuy