Try something new.
You are allowed to get it wrong. The next step is not rocket science. If you get it wrong, make it right. Breakthroughs seldom come without risks. #TheCubanGuy
Try something new. Read More »
You are allowed to get it wrong. The next step is not rocket science. If you get it wrong, make it right. Breakthroughs seldom come without risks. #TheCubanGuy
Try something new. Read More »
No importa si te equivocas. El éxito no es una ciencia exacta. Si te equivocas, corrige tu error. Los avances rara vez vienen sin riesgos. #TheCubanGuy
Intenta algo nuevo. Read More »
Don’t pull the plug just yet. Let the process play out. It’s too soon to make the call. Good decisions require time. #TheCubanGuy
No te apures. Deja que las cosas se desarrollen. Es demasiado pronto para decidir. Las decisiones educadas requieren tiempo. #TheCubanGuy
You don’t need more proof. What you need is faith. Show up, stick to the goal, create small wins. Do this and your abilities won’t be in doubt. #TheCubanGuy
No necesitas más pruebas. Lo que necesitas es fe. Preséntate, apégate a la meta, crea pequeñas victorias. Haz esto y tus habilidades no volverán a ser dudadás. #TheCubanGuy
You are just tagging alone. Read More »
There’s only one way to find out. Give it a go. See what happens. You may be pleasantly surprised. #TheCubanGuy
Solo hay una manera de averiguarlo. Tratalo. Mira qué pasa. Puede que tengas una grata sorpresa. #TheCubanGuy
Yes, victory is admirable. But be sure to own your losses. Never make excuses for them. Champions know how to win, but they also know how to lose with grace. #TheCubanGuy
Sí, la victoria es admirable. Pero no te averguences de tus pérdidas. Peor aún, nunca pongas excusas para ellas. Los campeones saben ganar, pero también saben perder con gracia. #TheCubanGuy