Cries for help.
You can’t rescue everyone. You and your resources have limits. Don’t let yourself off the hook too easily either. There is always something you can do. Help with that. #TheCubanGuy
You can’t rescue everyone. You and your resources have limits. Don’t let yourself off the hook too easily either. There is always something you can do. Help with that. #TheCubanGuy
No podrás rescatar a todos. Tú y tus recursos tienen límites. Pero siempre hay algo que puedes hacer. Ayuda con eso. #TheCubanGuy
Nothing can replace hard work, consistency, and determination. You’ve been looking for the wrong thing. There’s no magic bullet. Just do the work. #TheCubanGuy
Nada puede reemplazar el esfuerzo, la constancia y la determinación. Has estado buscando algo que no existe. No hay una bala mágica. Haz lo que hay que hacer. #TheCubanGuy
Does it bother you? Can you do something about it? If so, it’s time. Take action. #TheCubanGuy
Has the time come? Read More »
Si te molesta.. Si puedes hacer algo al respecto.. ¿Que estás esperando? Haz algo. #TheCubanGuy
Ha llegado el momento. Read More »
You have nothing to hide. Show who you are. Don’t be afraid. The world needs the real you. #TheCubanGuy
No tienes nada que ocultar. Muestra quién eres. No tengas miedo El mundo te necesita exactamente como eres. #TheCubanGuy
It should be your first line of defense. Settle your heart. Then, continue to breathe deeply. Only then and from a calm place, take action. #TheCubanGuy
Debe ser tu primera línea de defensa. Relaja a tu corazón. Luego, continúa respirando profundamente. Sólo entonces y desde un lugar tranquilo, toma acción. #TheCubanGuy