Your journey doesn’t belong only to you. It’s part of someone else’s journey, too. Be nice to your travel buddies. Most of the time, you are just tagging alone. #TheCubanGuy
Your journey doesn’t belong only to you. It’s part of someone else’s journey, too. Be nice to your travel buddies. Most of the time, you are just tagging alone. #TheCubanGuy
Tu travecia no es sola tuya. Ella es parte del viaje de otras personas. Sé amable con tus co-capitanes. La mayoría de las veces, eres solo un pasajeros. #TheCubanGuy
Stay away from people who bring out the worst in you. And from places that remind you of the person you no longer want to be. Stay away from things that push you further away from your dream. Instead, surround yourself with things and people that motivate you to become more. #TheCubanGuy
Aléjate de las personas que traen lo peor de ti. De lugares que te recuerdan a la persona que intentas no ser. De cosas que te alejan de tu sueño. Rodéate solo de aquellas cosas y personas que te empujan a ser más. #TheCubanGuy
You don’t gain confidence before you start. First, you start. Yes, regardless of your skill or confidence level. As you go along, both skill and confidence develop. #TheCubanGuy
No obtienes valor antes de empezar. Primero, empiezas. Sí, independientemente de tu habilidad o nivel de confianza. Luego, a medida que avanzas, desarrollas la habilidad y el valor. #TheCubanGuy
What is difficult used to seem impossible. What is easy was once difficult. The key is persistence. Nothing remains impossible or difficult forever. #TheCubanGuy
Lo difícil antes era imposible. Lo fácil alguna vez fue difícil. La clave es la consistencia. Nada permanece imposible o difícil para siempre. #TheCubanGuy
Project good thoughts into the future. Imagine the good things you want to happen. Expect the best from everyone you meet. Look for the silver lining in every passing cloud. #TheCubanGuy
Proyecta buenos pensamientos hacia el futuro. Piensa en las cosas buenas que quieres que sucedan. Espera lo mejor de todos los que conoces. Busca el lado positivo de cada ocurrencia. #TheCubanGuy