Just happens.
Don’t give yourself too much credit. Yes, you create most of your reality. But you don’t create everything. Some things have nothing to do with you. #TheCubanGuy
Don’t give yourself too much credit. Yes, you create most of your reality. But you don’t create everything. Some things have nothing to do with you. #TheCubanGuy
No te des tanto crédito. Sí, tú creas la mayor parte de tu realidad. Pero no creas todo. Algunas cosas no tienen nada que ver contigo. #TheCubanGuy
Don’t disregard your failures. They are vital to your growth. Learn from them. Life reveals the most coveted secrets to success through missteps. #TheCubanGuy
No descartes tus errores. Ellos son vitales para tu crecimiento. Aprende de ellos. La vida revela sus secretos más codiciados através de errores. #TheCubanGuy
Don’t hide your scars. Display them with pride. They are reminders of your bravery. They tell the world a story about who you truly are. #TheCubanGuy
No escondas tus cicatrices. Muéstralas con orgullo. Ellas son un gran recordatorio de valentía. Ellas cuentan al mundo una historia sobre quién tu eres. #TheCubanGuy
It’s a no-brainer. Yes, sometimes you can have both. But if you have to choose, choose joy. What sort of win would it be if it came at the expense of joy? #TheCubanGuy
Es algo obvio. Sí, a veces puedes tener ambos. Pero si tienes que elegir, elige la alegría. Nunca ganes a la expensas de tu alegría. #TheCubanGuy
You have not peaked yet. You are still growing. Be receptive to feedback. Arrogance will only stunt your growth. #TheCubanGuy
Aún no has llegado a tu punto máximo. Todavía estás creciendo. Se receptivo a las evaluaciones. La arrogancia solo impedirá tu crecimiento. #TheCubanGuy