Embrace discomfort.
Comfort can’t get you what you want. It’ll only get you more of what you already have. Put yourself in uncomfortable situations. It’s the only way to grow and gain. #TheCubanGuy
Embrace discomfort. Read More »
Comfort can’t get you what you want. It’ll only get you more of what you already have. Put yourself in uncomfortable situations. It’s the only way to grow and gain. #TheCubanGuy
Embrace discomfort. Read More »
La comodidad no te dará lo que quieres. Solo obtendrás más de lo que ya tienes. Ponte en situaciones incómodas. Es la única manera de conseguir lo que quieres. #TheCubanGuy
Abraza la incomodidad. Read More »
You’re less likely to be seduced by drama when you’re busy. Too much free time opens the door to worries and anxiety. Get busy. It’s good for you. #TheCubanGuy
You’re less likely to be seduced by drama when you’re busy. Too much free time opens the door to worries and anxiety. Ocúpate. It’s good for you. #TheCubanGuy
Everything ends at some point. Don’t try to prevent things from ending. Instead, enjoy them while they last. Remember, the end of one thing can also be the beginning of something else. #TheCubanGuy
Todo termina. No intentes evitar que las cosas terminen. En su lugar, trata de disfrutar las cosas mientras duren. Recuerda, el final de algo es también el comienzo de otra cosa. #TheCubanGuy
Let’s say you reach your goal. Let’s say you succeed. Let’s say you get to the top. Then what? There’s more to life than reaching the next step. #TheCubanGuy
Digamos que alcanzas tu meta. Digamos que tienes éxito. Digamos que llegas a la cima. ¿Y después que? Hay cosas más significantes en la vida que el siguiente paso. #TheCubanGuy
Can you see the future? If not, ease up on judging your present. Most temporary losses are stepping stones for future wins. Yes, even your losses are wins. #TheCubanGuy
¿Puedes ver el futuro? Si no, deja de juzgar tu presente. La mayoría de las derotas son escalones para futuras victorias. Sí, incluso tus pérdidas son triunfos. #TheCubanGuy