In the know.
The universe is sheltering you for a reason. Some things are not worth knowing. Stop inquiring about them. It will only make you angrier. #TheCubanGuy
The universe is sheltering you for a reason. Some things are not worth knowing. Stop inquiring about them. It will only make you angrier. #TheCubanGuy
El universo te está protegiendo por una razón. Hay cosas que no vale la pena saber. Deja de preguntar por ellas. Saber más te hará enojar más. #TheCubanGuy
Of course it gets easier. You just have to give it time. Nothing remains difficult forever. Consistency is key. #TheCubanGuy
Por supuesto que se vuelve más fácil. Solo tienes que darle tiempo. Nada permanece difícil para siempre. La consistencia es clave. #TheCubanGuy
You are closer to the goal than you think. Take it one step at a time. Your next step could change everything. You never know. #TheCubanGuy
Estás más cerca de la meta de lo que crees. Da un paso a la vez. Tu próximo paso puede cambiarlo todo. Nunca se sabe. #TheCubanGuy
It’s understandable. You are tired. You want to be done, but you know you are not there yet. Give it one more push. Sometimes that’s all it takes. #TheCubanGuy
Es entendible. Estás cansado. Quieres terminar, pero no has terminado. Dale un empujón más. A veces eso es todo lo que se necesita.#TheCubanGuy
Some things don’t work out for a reason. Don’t get discouraged. There are bigger things in the making. Expect something better. #TheCubanGuy
Algunas cosas no funcionan por una razón. No te desanimes. Hay cosas más grandes en camino. Espera algo mejor. #TheCubanGuy