The universe is training you. It’s developing your skills. It’s preparing you for something extraordinary. Every challenge you meet is part of that training. #TheCubanGuy
The universe is training you. It’s developing your skills. It’s preparing you for something extraordinary. Every challenge you meet is part of that training. #TheCubanGuy
El universo te está entrenando. Te está preparando para algo grande. Todos tus desafíos son parte de la preparación. No trates de evitar el entrenamiento. #TheCubanGuy
Don’t be afraid of your nightmares. You can easily overcome them. Conquer them with lofty dreams. If that doesn’t work, just open your eyes. #TheCubanGuy
No le tengas miedo a tus pesadillas. Puedes vencerlas. Se vencen fácilmente con sueños grandes. Si eso no funciona, abre los ojos. #TheCubanGuy
Can you really control everything? It’s futile to even consider it. Sometimes all you can do is step back? Can you make peace with that? #TheCubanGuy
¿Puedes controlarlo todo? Es inútil siquiera considerarlo. A veces lo único que puedes hacer es no interferir. ¿Puedes hacer las paces con eso? #TheCubanGuy
For a comic, anything can become a joke. For a child, everything can be used as a toy. For a sage, there’s a lesson in everything. The world shows up at your doorstep based on the way you identify yourself. #TheCubanGuy
Para un cómico, nada carece de humor. Para un niño, cualquier cosa puede convertirse en un juguete. Para un sabio, todo tiene una lección. Tu mundo se revela ante ti en función de cómo te identificas. #TheCubanGuy
Your mind looks for what captures your attention. It wants to keep you engaged. Does drama entertain you? If so, your mind will beat the bushes until drama flies out. #TheCubanGuy
Beating the bushes. Read More »
Tu mente busca algo que capte tu atención. Ella quiere mantenerte captivado. ¿Te entretiene el drama? Tu mente encuentrará algo dramatico. #TheCubanGuy