When you are wrong, admit it. When you think you are right, remain humble. Acknowledge that you might be wrong. That may be the only time you are actually right. #TheCubanGuy
When you are wrong, admit it. When you think you are right, remain humble. Acknowledge that you might be wrong. That may be the only time you are actually right. #TheCubanGuy
Si te equivocas, admítelo. Si crees que tienes razón, no seas pretencioso. Asume que estás equivocado. Puede que sea la única vez que tengas razón. #TheCubanGuy
Did you complain about it? Did you try to change it? What did those approaches accomplish? Might you consider acceptance? #TheCubanGuy
¿Intentaste quejarte al respecto? ¿Intentaste cambiarlo? ¿Funcionó alguno de esos enfoques? ¿Has considerado aceptar? #TheCubanGuy
There’s beauty within every person. There’s kindness and joy as well. Suspend your judgement for a moment. Seek the greatness in all. #TheCubanGuy
Hay belleza dentro de todas las personas. También hay bondad y alegría. Suspende tus opiniones y criticas por un momento. Quizás puedas ver la grandeza en todo. #TheCubanGuy
Don’t flatter yourself. But don’t take things personally, either. Most people are not thinking about your issues. They are too busy thinking about their own. #TheCubanGuy
No te hagas ilusiones. Pero tampoco te lo tomes como algo personal. La mayoría de las personas no piensan en tus problemas. Ellos están demasiado ocupados pensando en los suyos. #TheCubanGuy
Happiness doesn’t come from what you own or wear. It doesn’t come from what you achieve. Happiness is a state of mind. It can only come from within. #TheCubanGuy
La felicidad no proviene de lo que tienes o de lo que usas. No proviene de lo que logras. La felicidad es un estado mental. Solo puede venir de adentro. #TheCubanGuy