There’s a difference between discipline and procrastination. Self-restraint and cowardice. Patience and vacillation. The first comes from virtue, the other from weakness. #TheCubanGuy
There’s a difference between discipline and procrastination. Self-restraint and cowardice. Patience and vacillation. The first comes from virtue, the other from weakness. #TheCubanGuy
Hay una diferencia entre disciplina y postergación. Autocontrol y cobardía. Paciencia e ignorancia. La primera proviene de la virtud, la otra de la debilidad. #TheCubanGuy
Challenge makes you stronger. It develops character. It creates discipline. It’s your greatest teacher. #TheCubanGuy
Embrace the difficult. Read More »
El obstáculo te hace fuerte. Desarrolla tu carácter. Crea disciplina. Es tu mejor maestro. #TheCubanGuy
Acepta lo difícil. Read More »
Practicing kindness prompts enduring happiness. Showing patience brings about lasting happiness. Experiencing gratitude leads to continuing happiness. Acquiring newer, bigger, and fancier things produces a short-lived satisfaction. #TheCubanGuy
La amabilidad genera vibraciones alegres. La paciencia genera vibraciones alegres. La gratitud genera vibraciones alegres. Las cosas nuevas, grandes y elegantes producen vibraciones alegres de corta duración. #TheCubanGuy
Vibraciones alegres. Read More »
Spend time with people you enjoy. Visit places that speak to your heart. Pursue that which aligns with your purpose. Life is too brief to spend doing trivial things. #TheCubanGuy
People. Places. Purpose Read More »
Pasa tiempo con personas que te agradan. Visita lugares que te hablen al corazón. Persigue solo aquello que se alinee con tu propósito. La vida es demasiada breve para pasarla haciendo cosas triviales. #TheCubanGuy
Personas. Lugares. Propósito Read More »
Use your imagination. What will victory look like? What exactly is supposed to happen? If you can see it in your mind, you can manifest it in your life. #TheCubanGuy
Utiliza tu imaginación. ¿Describe la victoria? ¿Qué debe suceder exactamente? Si puedes verlo en tu mente, puedes manifestarlo en tu vida. #TheCubanGuy